17. Februar 2012 von Stefan GrohKommentierenEmpfehlen„In Europe, the next collective core responsibility and challenge for city makers is the existing city. It is „re-city“ rather than making new.“
Henk Ovink
Heute abend findet in Berlin unter dem Titel Re-city, the ‘total makeover’ of the European City ein Symposium bei ANCB – Aedes Network Campus Berlin statt.
(…) this debate focuses on the existing city, one of the biggest challenges for any city-maker, be they an architect, politician, developer or other. It is about the transformation of the existing and the way in which new collaborations emerge out of this transformative task.
(…) Re-city starts from the city itself, driven not by the core values of individual initiatives nor by those of top down politics or planning, but emerging instead out of cityness. It works through specific collaborations and alliances of politicians, developers, investors, architects, designers, scientists, entrepreneurs, advisors and the people next door; driven by the possibilities, the urgent issues, chances and changes that occur in, or need to be done, about the existing city.
Die zukünftige Entwicklung der europäischen Städte wird dabei unter anderem von Joachim de Clerck, Klaus Overmeyer oder Regula Lüscher auf dem Podium mit dem Kurator dieser Veranstaltungsreihe Henk Ovink diskutiert. Er ist Direktor des niederländischen Instituts für Raumplanung (Nationale Ruimtelijke Ordening) im Ministerium für Infrastruktur und Umwelt (Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu), darüber hinaus Ko-Kurator der Biennale in Rotterdam 2012 “Making City”, die am 19.04.2012 eröffnet wird.
The basic assumption of the 5th IABR, entitled Making City, is that massive worldwide urbanisation is inevitably forcing us to rethink the way we govern, plan and design our cities. As a consequence of continuing urbanization, ‘city making’ is presenting itself as one of the most effective, hands-on (political) instruments for responding to social challenges. However, as they have been conceived within the administrative context of the nation state, the existing planning principles and procedures are often failing to respond to current socio-economical, ecological and other challenges. Cities, metropolitan regions, and national planning authorities are therefore increasingly questioning these institutionalized planning recipes, while looking for and speculating on more effective principles for ‘city making’
Ebenfalls von Henk Ovink gemeinsam mit Elien Wierenga ist 2009 ein Buch mit dem Titel Ontwerp en politiek / Design and Politics erschienen. Anlass war die Berufung einer Professur an der TU Delft zum Zusammenspiel zwischen Architektur, Stadtentwicklung und Politik.
Hier die Auschreibung für die Biennale als .pdf zum download: 5th-IABR—Call-for-Projects
und das Video eines Vortrags von Henk Ovink über seine Arbeit in den Niederlanden (24.03.2010 an der University of Kentucky College of Design)